Monday, July 19, 2010

Out of Curiousity...

Who would be interested if I were to start this up again? I miss it and have found so much more music to share but sometimes it feels pointless! Comment if you think you would read it/listen.
I've gone to see so many bands this past year to share aswell!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Skeleton Boy

Not only do they make really catchy songs, but make for adorable pictures. This one cracks me up, I can't stop looking at it. If you like this song or not, it will be stuck in your head and will grow on you. The first time I heard it, I listened to it probably ten times. These band members started their first musical project back when they were only fourteen, and now 'Friendly Fires' have played shows all over the world. Their most inspiring influences include 'Prince', which I think is pretty hilarious because when I listen to their music, I do not think of Prince at all. December 15th, 2009.

Monday, December 14, 2009


Hurry up and press play already. This song is more than words can describe. How lucky am I, stumbling across this band accidentally; truely it was no accident at all. I was looking for 'Cecilia' by 'Simon and Garfunkle' and found the cover by 'Local Natives', which I must say is the best cover I have ever heard, which led on to more discoveries. I haven't been able to find much information on them so here is to hoping that someone will let me know. With or without information about a band, you can still love them for their music, so check them out. December 14th, 2009.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Take It All Away

In all honesty, I actually just discovered this song today; though I figured it was pretty good and decided it should be shared for everyone to hear, so I'm not quite in the know about this band. They have six albums and have been around since the 90's so I'm a bit dissapointed that I haven't discovered them before-hand. 'Cake' has also toured with bands such as 'Modest Mouse' which just makes me all the more curious as to why I did not find them earlier. Their song 'Love You Madly' was featured in the movie 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall' which means many people have heard them before but just might of not realised it. Join me as I search for more songs by this new discovery. December 13th, 2009.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Okay so I'm not a huge fan of country at all, but the guitar in this sometimes seems a little country to me, this is probably the closest I will ever get to liking something of that genre. 'Ben Kweller' has toured with some fimilar bands such as 'Death Cab For Cutie' and 'Ben Folds'. So he's got to have a lot of experience due to the fact that he was taught to play drums at the age of seven. If only I was influenced to play intruments earlier. The lyrics to this song is pretty deep, make's me curious who it's about. December 12th, 2009.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Woman King

I found this song a few years ago and love it right from the start. If you haven't heard 'Iron & Wine' before, there's a lot you could be checking out. Also, if you've listened to 'The Postal Service' you may have heard Iron & Wine's version of 'Such Great Heights'. Same lyrics and everything but yet sounds like a completely different song that is very beautiful and soothing. Iron & Wine is Samuel Beam who is a father to four daughters, which I would think it would be so awesome to have as a dad - free shows all the time! If you ever get the chance to see him, do not pass up this opportunity! December 11th, 2009.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Go Places

Is it just me, or does it seem like this band has a ridiculous amount of members? But you can tell everyone contributes to the songs by how detailed they are. This is such an up-lifting song, how can you be unhappy and listen to it? 'The New Pornographers' actually came by my city a few years ago, but at that time I was foolish and passed up the opportunity which I have been kicking myself over ever since that event. Believe it or not, they're actually from Vancouver, so I wave to the West. I don't have much else to say about this song or band, so let the music do the talking. December 10th, 2009.